By Shohgulkhon Shahboz

TAJIKISTAN: New governor of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast or province (GBAO) has asked the Pamiri expatriates to play a role in the development of the region.
Governor Yodgor Fayzov has called upon the Pamiris living abroad to contribute to the efforts of the government in the development of the mountainous region with their knowledge and expertise.
“The mountainous region needs the support of its natives who are living abroad to use their knowledge and abilities for its development and achieve great success,” Fayzov said in his appeal that was posted on the Facebook page of Gholib Niyatbekov, a spokesman for the governor.
“The government is taking measures to accelerate the pace of socio-economic development of the region; roads are being rehabilitated, construction of residential buildings and provision of other facilities are underway. Tenders have been floated for exploration and development of large mineral deposits located in the region that will create hundreds of new jobs,” the governor noted.

“However, the region needs the support of its children to take an active part in the efforts in changing the destiny of the region; take the opportunities to develop villages where they were born and grew up.
He urged them to support the implementation of socioeconomic, cultural and educational programmes and generate revenue for it.
Fayzov was appointed as acting governor of GBAO on October 1, 2018, replacing Shodikhon Jamshed.
On March 4 members of local council unanimously approved Fayzov’s appointment as governor of the largest but impoverished province of Tajikistan.
GBAO or the Kuhistani Badakhshan is an autonomous region in eastern Tajikistan in the Pamir Mountains which makes up 45% of the total 64,200 square kilometers land area of the country but only 3% of its population. Pamiris are in majority in the GBAO whose culture, language and religion are distinct from those of the Tajik majority.
Badakhshan’s other half is in Afghanistan to the south. It is separated from Afghanistan by the Pyanj River in the south and borders China in the East and Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan in the North and West. The province is almost entirely mountainous, having virtually no level or arable land. The largest mountains in the Pamir and Tien Shan ranges are located in this region, up to 7,500m (26,000ft).