WDF for an end to use of ATA against political activists

Expresses solidarity with ‘prisoners of conscience’ in GB, their families and AWPGB struggle for rights

Herald Report

Islamabad: Women Democratic Front (WDF), Pakistan’s premier socialist-feminist organization, has condemned a recent verdict of an anti-terrorism court awarding 90 years prison term to political activists Iftikhar Hussain Kabalai, a leader of Karakoram National Movement.

WDF president Ismat Shahjahan in a solidarity message to the families of the prisoners said: “We call upon parliamentarians to stop trial of political workers under anti-terrorist laws.

She also called upon human rights standing committees of the Senate and the National Assembly to abolish this coercive legal instrument.

“We express solidarity with our sisters and comrades demanding release of the prisoners of conscience and an end to state oppression in Gilgit-Baltistan.”

She also supported the political struggle of AWPGB, Progressive Youth Front, National Students Federation (NSFGB), and their legal battle against the conviction of their comrades in Supreme Appellate Court of GB.

“We reaffirm our commitment to struggle against all forms of fascism and state oppression in Pakistan and disputed territories including Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir.

WDF is a socialist-feminist political organization, aiming to bring together struggles of women against all forms of patriarchy, capitalism and feudalism, national oppression and state oppression, war, and religious extremism, the statement said.

We stand for peoples democracy, peace, social and gender equality, and secularism, the statement read.

Baba Jan, central leader of Awami Workers Party Gilgit-Baltistan (AWPGB) and 14 other youth activists are incarcerating in Gahkuch jail for the last eight years. They were convicted under anti-terrorist laws on trumped up charges.

Black day

Meanwhile families of the prisoners have decided to observe August 11 as black day to mark the anniversary of the tragedy when the police shot dead an IDP man and his son during a peaceful sit-in on KKH at Aliabad on Aug 11, 2011.

The affected families of Attabad disaster were demanding compensation and resettlement.

The Aseeran Hunza Rahai Tehreek (Movement for release of the prisoners of Hunza) during a meeting with different political parties and youth and traders organisations had reiterated their demand for the release of the prisoners.

In a resolution they expressed concern over restriction on the prisoners from meeting with visitors and had decided to observe August 11 as black day and extend their protest to other areas of GB.

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