Modi sets worst example of tyranny in IoK: Bilwal


PTI govt’s foreign policy has left Pakistan isolated on world stage: Bilawal


PPP chairperson Bilawal Bhutto blasts Modi government for atrocities while addressing a public gathering at Khaplu, Ghanche district. APP

Herald Correspondent

SKARDU: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) chairperson Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari on Saturday blasted the PTI-led government for what he called flawed foreign and domestic policies.

He also lambasted the Indian government for the clampdown in occupied Kashmir and arrests of political leaders and activists.

“[Narendar] Modi government has set worst example of tyranny by killing civilians along line of control (LoC),” Mr Bilawal said while addressing a workers convention and a public rally at Khaplu, headquarters of Ghanche district of Baltistan Division.

Mr Bilawal said that the ‘selected’ Prime Minister had been imposed on the country who has no knowledge of the international relations, foreign policy and completely destroyed the national economy.

He went on to say that rupee’s value has been falling against dollar whereas inflation, poverty, and unemployment are increasing alarmingly.

“Imran Khan’s government has taken more loan in one year than PPP took in their five-year tenure”, he claimed.

The PPP chairperson recalled that Imran used to claim that he would prefer commit suicide over taking loan but the result is in front of the whole country. He has backtracked on all the promises he had made before coming into power, he added.

The scion of the Bhutto dynasty said that he was very happy to be in Gilgit-Baltistan as her mother Benazir Bhutto was the first premier to visit Siachen. “Shaheed Bhutto gave Ghanche the status of a district whereas no government had thought about the region before”, he added.

Mr Bilawal said that the PPP government introduced reforms in the region, provided employment to youth and essential commodities at subsidized rates to tackle the poverty in the region.

He acknowledged the sacrifices of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan while defending the borders and stood firm in front of the enemies.

“I salute the martyrs for their bravery,” he added.

PPP chairman asserted that he is the heir of the martyrs and his elders accepted the martyrdom for the people of this country. Bilawal said that he is ready to sacrifice his life for the security of Pakistan.

“The country is passing through a difficult situation and things are getting worse with each passing day” he added.

The PPP chairman said that PM Imran has forced people into destitution instead of giving them a roof over their head.

Taking aim at the country’s apex anti-graft body, the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), he termed it a tool of political victimization and loot.

In light of the recent accountability proceedings against his father Asif Ali Zardari, Bilawal claimed that PM Imran wants to lock up the entire opposition leadership. “This is nothing but a political victimisation under the garb of accountability,” he asserted.

He said the cost of the Peshawar Metro project has ballooned from Rs30 billion to Rs100 billion but no one has held the PTI government accountable for it.

He has been critical of Pakistan’s foreign policy ever since India’s move in Occupied Kashmir, as on the floor of parliament, Bilawal had questioned why the government was caught off-guard by New Delhi’s decision to strip Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) of its special status and its attempts to silence the voice of its people.

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