RTS Commission awareness session held in Chitral

By Gul Hammad Farooqi

CHITRAL: In order to create awareness among the general public about the Right to Public Services Law a seminar was organized by the Commission in Garam Chashma area of Chitral on Tuesday.

The Right to Service Commission Chief Commissioner Muhammad Mushtaq Jadoon was the chief guest on the occasion.

While addressing the participants, the District Monitoring Officer Munir Ahmed said that the  Right to Service Commission office was opened in the Tehsil Municipal Administration (TMA) office in Chitral two years ago. He said the doors of the organization were open for every citizen who had any complaint can access the office and file his complaint.

Chief Commissioner Mushtaq Jadoon said the RTS Commission can intervene in 24 provincial departments if it receives authentic complaints from citizens. He said the Prime Minister Imran Khan had now brought some federal departments under the Commission which would further increase its value and credibility.

The Chief Commissioner said the basic purpose of the RTS Commission was to provide basic services to the citizens easily and save them from malpractices like bribery, references and contacts in carrying out routine tasks. He said a facilitation centre will be established in Garam Chashma to receive complaints from citizens about the working of the provincial departments.

Aga Khan local council honorary secretary Wali Muhammad said that until now he was unaware about the existence of RTS Commission office in Chitral. He questioned that in the absence of 4G or broadband service at Tehsil Lutkoh, Garam Chashma and it was difficult for the citizens to lodge their complaints. While answering the question chief commissioner said that the complaints can be conveyed to him through the village council secretaries of the commission.

The citizens of the area complained that the road of Garam Chashma and bridge on the river were in dilapidated condition. They said potato worth millions of rupees is transported from the area to rest of the country every year. They said potato-carrying trucks are offloaded near the bridge as the loaded trucks cannot cross the bridge. It was also revealed during the meeting that Zakat funds were not being released for the last one year due to which the deserving people were suffering.

Meanwhile, the chief commissioner held a meeting with the line department heads at the council hall of Deputy Commissioner office and directed them to resolve the problems of people on a priority basis.

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