Suicide: the never-ending pandemic in GBC
By Rozina Parveen When the horrors of life outway the terrors of death a man commits suicide — Albert Camus
Read MoreBy Rozina Parveen When the horrors of life outway the terrors of death a man commits suicide — Albert Camus
Read MorePakistani neoliberalism hasn’t rolled back state intervention in the economy. Building on a predatory tradition that dates back to British colonial rule, it has used state power to enforce the ruthless exploitation of Pakistan’s workers and natural resources.
Read MoreWe are faced with an intolerant generation that is self-righteous, hates dissent and wants everyone to think one way – which is their way. In short, we are reaping the fruits of the seeds we had sown ourselves in our classrooms and society at large. Today it is the misogynist, fascist Imran Khan, tomorrow it can be a right-wing extremist force which will use the same herd to its own advantage and ruin the already religiously intolerant and anti-women society.
Read MorePakistan’s media has been grappling with an existential crisis in recent years, with critical areas going from bad to worse. This includes a staggering two-fifths of media jobs — 8,000 out of 20,000 — being wiped out, partly because of lifeline public sector advertising having shrunk by over half, and a squeezed media economy that is drying up even private sector advertising.
Read MoreBy Aziz Ali Dad Human being is not just a name given to a biological being with a body. In
Read MoreBy KOSAR BANO & CHIMI SELDON The Shisper Glacier surge blocking the proglacial Machuhar River, resulting in the formation of an ice-dammed
Read MoreRegional powers are seeking to fill the vacuum left by the abrupt departure of the US and its Western allies.
Read MoreAasim Sajjad Akhtar Christmas is hardly a big occasion in Pakistan. More than two million Pakistani Christians celebrate it guardedly,
Read MoreBy Rizwan Qalandar The people of Gilgit-Baltistan, especially youth are lately seemed to be engaged in discussions on social media
Read MoreIn the name of saving the climate, big technological and agriculture firms and corporations will uberise farmlands
Read MoreTajikistan has no intention of getting into a direct confrontation with the Taliban. Rather, by taking a few more risks than its neighbours, the Tajik leadership is counting on boosting its popularity, both at home and abroad.
Read MoreThe UN’s IPCC report, warning of melting glaciers in Gilgit-Baltistan should be a wake-up call for Pakistan.
Read MorePervez Hoodbhoy WHAT did Afghan kids study after Mullah Omar’s Taliban were ousted in 2001? What was their school curriculum
Read MoreIn Hunza where people are still struggling to have access to basic needs including water, sanitation, electricity, health and education luxury and hotels with high inventory will have disastrous outcomes
Read MoreThe matter of granting provisional provincial status to Gilgit-Baltistan involves a contested political process with multifarious implications to the interests of stakeholders
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